Attention should be paid to PP sheet during storage and handling
1. The construction drawings and other technical documents are complete, and the technical disclosure of drawings has been carried out to meet the construction requirements of PP plate;
2. The construction personnel shall be trained in the technology of building pipeline installation, and be able to skillfully analyze and handle the common problems of PP plate in the construction process.
3. The construction scheme, technology and materials can ensure the normal construction of PP plate.
Attention shall be paid to PP sheet pipe during storage and handling:
1. PP sheet pipes shall be stacked horizontally on flat ground, bending pipes shall be avoided, stacking height shall not exceed 1.5m, pipe fittings shall be stacked layer by layer, not too high.
2. Pipes and pipe fittings shall be placed in a well ventilated warehouse or simple shed, and shall not be stored in the open air, to prevent direct sunlight, pay attention to fire safety, and the distance from the heat source shall not be less than 1 m.
3. When handling pipes and pipe fittings, handle them with care to avoid oil pollution, and avoid violent impact. It is strictly prohibited to touch sharp objects and throw, fall, roll and drag them.
During the construction of PP sheet pipe, it is necessary to ensure that the PP sheet pipe and pipe fittings provided shall comply with the design regulations, and shall be attached with the product specification and quality certificate. Before use, it is necessary to carry out technical appraisal or re inspection on PP sheet to prevent the use of pipes with different quality and damage signs.
Setting method in the construction of PP sheet pipe
There are two ways of setting expansion joint and pipe sleeve due to the different laying forms of PP sheet pipe.